Helping Ageing Relatives To Stay Safe At Home.

At Universal Care Services, our unwavering commitment to our clients is at the core of everything we do. We understand the importance of providing not just care, but the right care, especially when it comes to our elderly loved ones. Keeping elderly relatives safe at home is a concern that touches many of us deeply, and it’s a responsibility we take to heart. Through this blog post, we aim to share valuable insights and practical tips to help ensure the safety and well-being of seniors at home, reflecting our dedication to upholding the highest standards of care.

Safety at home for the elderly is about creating a supportive environment that respects their wishes and needs while protecting them from potential hazards. It starts with the basics, such as ensuring the home is free from tripping hazards, installing grab bars in critical areas like the bathroom, and making sure that the home is well-lit to prevent falls. Simple modifications can significantly reduce the risk of accidents, providing peace of mind for both the elderly and their families. At Universal Care Services, our specially trained staff are adept at identifying and advising on these crucial adjustments, ensuring that every aspect of the home environment promotes safety and independence.

Gas Safety Awareness

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning and leaving the gas cooker on are crucial concerns when it comes to elderly relatives.
  • Carbon monoxide, a toxic gas formed by incomplete fuel combustion, such as gas, oil, wood, and coal, is invisible, odorless, and tasteless but can be deadly. It hinders oxygen delivery to cells, tissues, the brain, and organs, leading to rapid fatalities. Approximately 50 individuals succumb to carbon monoxide poisoning annually.
  • It is essential to have any gas appliances, like cookers, boilers, and heating systems, regularly inspected by a Gas Safe Registered Engineer.
  • Installing a carbon monoxide detector can potentially save your elderly relative’s life. Ensure their gas-fueled appliances undergo regular testing and that they have a functioning detector.
  • What if your elderly relative forgets to turn off the gas hob? Consider obtaining small gas alarms that can be positioned near the cooker, triggering an alert upon detecting gas in the air.

Preventing Falls and Trips

  • Annually, more than 70,000 individuals aged over 65 seek emergency care due to falls, highlighting the importance of assessing home safety.
  • When visiting elderly relatives, conduct a risk assessment together to identify and address potential hazards.
  • Alternatively, discuss safety concerns over the phone, ensuring a sensitive approach.
  • This assessment is a fundamental part of home care evaluation.
  • To reduce fall risks, encourage regular optician visits and enhance core strength through activities like Yoga, Pilates, or aqua-aerobics.
  • Common causes of falls include rugs, wires, poor lighting, stairs, and bathroom use, prompting consideration of home adaptations for elderly individuals facing mobility challenges.

Securing the Home for Elderly Individuals
Ensuring home security is a common worry for the elderly. During summer, a simple reminder to close downstairs windows can be helpful. To enhance security, consider a gravel driveway and a motion-activated sensor light near the entrance. These lights not only illuminate visitors at the door during dark winter evenings but also provide added security.

For elderly relatives with memory challenges, creating a night-time and outing security checklist can be beneficial. This checklist can help them confirm that windows are closed and doors are locked before going to bed or leaving the house.

However, safety transcends the physical environment; it’s also about ensuring that the emotional and psychological needs of our elderly relatives are met. This includes regular social interaction, mental stimulation, and the maintenance of a routine that provides them with a sense of purpose and belonging. Our comprehensive training programs equip our caregivers with the skills to support not only the physical well-being of our clients but their emotional health as well. We believe in a holistic approach to care, one that respects and honours the individuality of each person we are privileged to serve.

At Universal Care Services, we are dedicated to providing an unparalleled level of care that ensures the safety and happiness of our elderly clients in their own homes. Keeping your elderly relatives safe at home requires a blend of love, compassion, and expertise—qualities that Universal Care Services embodies in every aspect of our work.

Looking for Care? Contact Your Local Office

If you would like to talk to us regarding our care services, contact your local office on one of the below phone numbers or you can email us by clicking on the envelope icon relating to your location.

Universal Care Service Norfolk – T/A Carewatch
Universal Care Services Coleshill
Universal Care Services Corby – T/A Carewatch
Universal Care Services Hinckley
Universal Care Services Ipswich
Universal Care Services Mill View
Universal Care Services Worcester – T/A R & L Healthcare

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Would you like to make a difference to the life of someone in your community and have a career in care that is rewarding and challenging? If the answer is yes, then we want to hear from you. Contact your local office below for more information.

Universal Care Service Norfolk – T/A Carewatch
Universal Care Services Coleshill
Universal Care Services Corby – T/A Carewatch
Universal Care Services Hinckley
Universal Care Services Ipswich
Universal Care Services Mill View
Universal Care Services Worcester – T/A R & L Healthcare